To assist with implementing the Asset and Liability strategies from ALCO. The position ensures optimizing and ensuring the safety and soundness of the bank’s balance sheet. The key objective is to protect the bank from financial losses while preserving and increasing long term capital value.
Under the supervision of the
Asset & Liability Management Head
the following are among the Job Key Responsibilities:
Manage the bank’s capital according to Basel Rules and Bank of Zambia Guidelines
Report to ALCO and ROC the capital position and Key Risk Indicators related to Capital
Prepare capital risk management stress testing scenarios.
Manage the bank’s liquidity according to Basel Rules and Bank of Zambia Guidelines
Report to ALCO and ROC the liquidity position and Key Risk Indicators related to Liquidity
To monitor on a day-to-day basis, the liquidity and cashflow position of the bank
Prepare liquidity risk management stress testing scenarios.
Coordinate and consolidate the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process for the bank.
To provide secretarial services to the ALCO and ensure implementation of ALCO actions by following up on the Action Log
Organize standard and ad-hoc meetings to meet the requirements of the bank
Support the risk management processes of the bank
Ensuring FTP guides business (Retail, Corporate, Business Banking and Treasury) behavior and immunizes businesses from market risk as far as possible
Manage Interest Rate Risk in the banking book for the bank
Review pricing for loan products and ensure alignment with policy
Lead pricing conversations to ensure the pricing models are kept up to date
Coordinate the contraction of external funding to support the required funding for the bank
Coordinate the implementation of Basel accords in the Bank
Timely submission of Regulatory Returns and any ad-hoc requests from the central bank
Internal: All internal Business Units