Job Details

Your next big opportunity awaits

GHS Specialist

Panagora Group | Lusaka

Panagora Group

Innovating the future of tech solutions in Zambia.

Job Description

Job Description

Panagora Group seeks a full-time Global Health Security (GHS) Specialist based in Zambia for USAID Localize Global Health Security (LGHS) Project. LGHS supports local partners to address gaps in health security as identified in national health security capacity assessments. The project complements the multisectoral cross-technical approaches of other GHS programs to move countries closer to achieving Global Health Security Agenda targets. As a result of this support, local partners will be able to address critical gaps in health security through grants and technical assistance in prioritized technical areas, strengthen the organizational capacity of local entities to effectively manage the implementation of health security technical interventions and expand global knowledge base on approaches and best practices for local entities conducting global health security interventions. In Zambia, LGHS will do this by establishing and managing a grants program that finances local organizations to address sub-national gaps in zoonotic disease prevention, detection, and response—including risk communication and community engagement, community-based surveillance, and human resource development—using a One Health approach that aligns with the country’s public health security priorities.

Position Description:

The GHS Specialist will serve as the project’s main in-country focal point for GHS, lead GHS technical capacity strengthening, and ensure quality implementation for LGHS grantees. The GHS Specialist is responsible for understanding and addressing grantees’ needs and supporting development of their capacity strengthening plan. The GHS Specialist will also oversee implementation of the capacity strengthening plans, monitoring and evaluation of grantee performance, and support learning and adaptive management. Where the GHS specialist does not have the expertise to provide direct support to grantees, they will identify and coordinate the locally- and regionally- sourced technical assistance providers (staff and consultants) enlisted to build grantees’ capacity to implement health security activities and provide essential end-to-end quality assurance of all GHS technical activities delivered through the project in Zambia. As the GHS focal point for the project in-country, the GHS Specialist will need to liaise closely and effectively with the USAID Mission, other GHS partners and stakeholders at the national, provincial and district levels, including government as well as other implementing partners. The GHS Specialist will report to the LGHS Zambia Country Lead, and work in close collaboration with the LGHS technical team, and Country Support Manager, who are based in the US and in the region.

Responsibilities will include:



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